Get started

You won’t regret it!

Getting started with mountain climbing may seem intimidating, but with Julia's expert guidance you'll be up the summit faster than you could have ever expected. Learn all the skills and confidence needed to tackle the most daunting situations with ease. Pretty soon, a trip up to the mountains will be the best part of your week!

Follow your dreams

You won’t regret it!

The path to becoming an expert mountaineer and cliffhanger takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you'll have no problem becoming one of the best. What are you waiting for?


  • 1

    What is Cash Flow?

    • What is Cash Flow?

  • 2

    Calculating Cash Flow

    • Calculating Cash Flow

About Your Instructor

Mentor To Giants

Ron Douglas

Just a few days before first reporting for military duty, Ron Douglas broke his back at the age of eighteen while racing a car on the street. Paralyzed from the waist down, he refused to give up and spent many sleepless nights just trying to get his toes to move. Six months later Ron was walking again and nearing a full recovery. This experience set the tone for the “not giving up” attitude he has carried with him throughout his life.By nineteen Ron was a Prison Guard and by age twenty he had been promoted to the Riot Team. He had the experience of working Death Row for a short time as well. This gave Ron quite an interesting perspective on life! Finding himself in a financial pinch while working at the prison, Ron took on a second job at a junkyard.After building several companies which each reached over a $1 Million in sales in 12 months, Ron has proven he has the know-how and skills - - and he's now offering his expertise to company leaders & entrepreneurs who want help taking their businesses from zero to six figures in six months or less.Whether you are building a new online start-up, or working to build a brick & mortar business, Ron Douglas has been in your shoes.Now, in personal coaching circles, Ron shows participants how to double, triple, or even quadruple their revenue in12 months.


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Rope Management

  • Cleaning Equipment

  • Common Mistakes

  • The Best Ways to Start

  • Emergency Procedures

  • How to Climb



Cathy Wilson

This was the best course I've ever taken in my entire life.

NYT Bestselling Author

Manuel Werson

This is the only resource to level up my climbing game!

Classy Dame

Sidra Bathar

If you need a challenge, this is the course for you!



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    Climbing 101

    $39 value

    All about how you can climb the tallest mountains in just over 3 months. A very popular eBook!

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